The North Lincolnshire council funded the project and worked closely with the staff and governors of the 100-place school to design the new facilities.
The new facilities include:
- An early years unit with a play area, toilets, kitchen and outdoor facilities
- A link corridor from the existing school to the new building with a new entrance and a fully accessible disabled toilet and changing area
- A hall with a good audio and lights system, with an associated office, equipment store, cleaners store, chair store and toilet facility
- A fully equipped cooking kitchen
- A new playground
The old building that housed the kitchen and dining facilities was demolished to build a new larger hall, kitchen and toilets including for disabled people.
The new building has air source heating and will qualify for the Government's renewable heat incentive scheme.
Angela Ellis, Head of Gunness and Burringham CE Primary School said: "The new building program is symbolic of the improvements that have happened at this school in recent years, not just to the building, but to the high standards the pupils are achieving.
"Securing the building program for the school was wonderful news and it will make a real impact on the children and community of our whole school. It has been an exciting time for everyone in the school as the children have seen the building going up around them.
"It has been a huge privilege having the opportunity to help design and develop the facilities. A lovely, welcoming atmosphere has been created for all who enter and work in our school."